Saint Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary

Supporting education and innovation.

St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary is a non-profit, private religious educational institution providing preparation for Christian ministry, critical thinking and research skills and academic scholarship through scholarly study of theology and the Bible.

Our Board of Trustees, faculty, and administrative staff are faithfully committed to the inspiration and the authority of the Bible, the historic creeds, the sacraments, the historic episcopate, and the mandate of Christ to teach the nations the everlasting Gospel.

SATCS is an Anglican college and seminary which seeks to help you answer your ministry call by providing the education and training you need to serve. SATCS gives you the tools and technology that allow you to learn from your own home, and places you within a community of scholars that will develop your academic and leadership gifts.

Aiding the call to Ministry with Biblical Truth

Online Learning

Online courses are interactive, internet based classes. Online courses are sixteen weeks in length and are offered in the Fall and Spring.


SATCS attempts to work very closely with other jurisdictions in order to meet their various needs for qualified ordination candidates. Candidates who wish to pursue holy orders should contact the President of SATCS directly for referral and coordination for their desired ordination program.

Institutional Goals

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.

“SATCS is a non-profit in every sense of the word”

With contributions from church parishes and dedicated benefactors, we are able to operate keeping our monthly subscription tuition at only $39.00 per month. Please consider supporting SATCS as we continue to strive to be exemplar as an online seminary